Chapter Nine: The Möbius Subway

He fell out of sleep with an extravagant, feline yawn. His eyes opened on an unfathomably long, over-lit chamber he took for a subway car.

He groggily reviewed the memory of a tri-tone sounding as brushed metal doors clapped shut, guns the lizard people’s guns blazing at his back. Then he’d collapsed in exhaustion.

He felt refreshed, though there was a twinge in his back from the uncomfortable seat. Its bright red upholstery served neither good taste nor comfort. An unending phalanx of similar seats ranged before him, stretching to some vanishing point past his vision. They warped away with subtle chirality, like twisting taffy.

The effect made him queasy, so he turned to the window, which showed nothing but deep, placid darkness. Rumblings at his feet told him the train was moving, but this view gave him no reference for speed.

His mind wandered back to a dream he’d just had, which had been grand and gratifying.

In it he was a teenager. This amazed him, since he remembered nothing of his teenage years.

As his teen self, he wandered through a shopping mall, deserted at some still hour of the night. Mannequins gazed, unconcerned, from shuttered shops. They were unmoved to take notice, when a great creaking noise, above, groaned through the gallery.

The skylight’s windows levered open like petals of crystalline flowers. Night air rushed in with light from naked stars.

Then some caressing force wafted him up through the skylight. Ecstatic, he gave into to this gentle power.

After which he woke up.

He wondered whether any of what he’d just dreamed had really happened. He couldn’t remember how it went when the Worm first abducted him. (His memory also had a vanishing point.) He held fast to fragments of the dream, committing them to memory.

He noticed his clothing looked new again: cleaned, repaired and even replaced by nanobots, while he slept. His coat hung perfectly, despite him sleeping in it. His pinstriped pants were whole again. The maroon shirt he had on looked completely new, but was still the kind of thing he’d wear. The nano-computer anticipated his tastes. It must be working properly again since the reset, since it wasn’t trying to kill him. Its breakdown was his fault, he remembered. His own loose tongue had set it off.

One humiliation among many in his recent adventures. Memories flooded unpleasantly back: howling, insensate, as tiny alien weapons stung him with ordinance; lying desperately and badly to violent beings with flammable bodies; arguing hysterically with a strung-out scientist; squatting stoned on a toadstool, stupidly searching for his boots.

You’re an accidental traveler, he reminded himself. What does anyone expect?

A small, sentient motion, close by, distracted him.

Something or someone sat across from him, in a facing seat.

Its ink-black, almost liquid body, was more or less humanoid, without visible clothing or anatomy.

It must be the creature, he thought: changing shape again, struggling to mimic a human form.

The effort was a mixed success. Its naked feet were spatulate, its pelvis planar and ungendered. Its ‘face’ had no visible nose or mouth and its head bulged with compound eyes it kept from its previous, bug-like form. These clustered, convex sight organs were unreadable, but seemed to track his movements. Its head turned with sluggish, painful effort. The overlarge eyes seemed to weigh it down.

He and the creature both glanced as something streaked past the window. Coming closer it looked like another, seemingly endless train. Gleaming and serpentine, it coiled off into nothingness, like an infinite snake. It bore down with a rollercoaster’s trajectory, at the peak of a high loop. Its blunt-nosed cab shot closer, on course for collision.

Instead, the train sped past on a parallel course. Empty, inverted seats shuffled by, dauntingly close. Then, suddenly, two upside-down faces noticed him. One was nominally humanoid, with bulbous, faceted eyes. The other was a startled young man with wild black hair. As he leaned forward, so did the incredulous other.

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Then the faces were gone. With them went the train, its speed doubling, then tripling.

“Did you see that?” he said to the creature.

Having no mouth, it didn’t answer. It observed his lips moving.

“Do you think this,” gesturing around him, “will ever arrive someplace?”

The creature watched him gesture.

He thought of consulting the nano-computer, then decided not to. Instead, he surveyed the long string of back-lit panels overhead, blazoned with cryptic, alien fonts. An image recurred among them: the numeral ‘8’ tipped sideways, twisting like a bowed ribbon.

“Do you think that’s a map?” he said.

The creature looked where he pointed.

The map, or whatever it was, magnified a piece of itself. The enlarged section was dotted with nodal points. One of them flashed green.

A deafening tri-tone shattered the quiet.

“NNNN-CH’A, QUA NEN POOJA NOG CHOOM-CHOOM-CHOOM,” pronounced an automated voice.

Perpetual dark jump-cut to glossy white tiles, and then train glided to a stop. Large black letters in some unknown script displayed what must be the station name.

“Should we get off?” he asked the creature. It stared back with bland interest.

As doors clattered open, someone got on, metal limbs moving with stiff grace, like spider legs. Their body bristled with sleek, angular machinery.

When the person noticed him, they glowered with recognition born of hatred.

The cyborg folded themself into the seat opposite, with the whine of servo-motors. The creature, on their left, shrank back timidly.

“Well, well,” said the cyborg, smiling with menace. “You know what happens now, don’t you?” Bright steel blades burst from both arms.

He knew nothing about this person, what he might have done to them or what was going to happen next. But he felt unsurprised.

Things always went this way.

(Next: Escher Station)

(Previous: I, Kaiju)

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Chapter Eight: I, Kaiju

He woke from a falling dream that was especially vivid, since he’d really been falling.

He lay on his back, bewildered and sore, wondering what it was obstructing his limbs. He was tied down with a wire-thin material. Its vicious strands cut him when he struggled. So he lay still, gazing up at slim, artisanal buildings.

Some sort of life form moved nearby. Citizens or local fauna? He didn’t know. Two of them scampered away when he rolled his head left. He glimpsed pale green limbs, whip-like tails and furiously bobbing heads.

A couple more beings advanced, cautiously curious, on his right. Their scales were like brilliant mosaic abstracts. Their heads were topped with festive-looking crests. They looked no larger than chipmunks. If these were the city’s residents, then its buildings were smaller and closer than he’d thought.

He fretted morbidly over whether his landing had crushed buildings—or even worse, citizens. He seemed to be lying on tarmac, which felt undisturbed. Perhaps he’d been dragged there.

Several lizard folk congregated nearby, chittering in high, enervated voices. Their snoutish faces were set in anxious half-smiles. Their sensitive, slit-pupiled eyes were trained on one particular building. Their delicate, clawed digits pointed to the dark, monstrous thing climbing it.

He recognized the creature’s jointed segments, its leathery black carapace. In a flash of memory, he recalled it bolting through a hole in spacetime after Girl Zero (that stoned sadist in a lab coat, with her shiny scissors) chopped off one of its legs. It seemed to have grown four new limbs quite unlike its jointed arthropod legs. The new limbs were more like human arms.

It scaled the building, hand-over-hand, like a fearful cub. Then it froze, panicked at how high it had climbed.

Gawking reptiles made way for blocky-looking vehicles that resembled half-tracks. These fired with sharp reports, like cap pistols. Ordinance smacked the building. Scaly citizens fled falling debris.

Some rounds found their target, battering the creature. Frightened, it crept around the tower’s opposite side.

Thwarted, the tanks stopped shelling.

Moments later aircraft appeared, droning like model planes. They fired on the creature with sharp, repeating bursts. The creature clambered higher, in a pointless bid to escape.

The city’s air reeked of fear pheromones.

He strained at his bonds, frenzied by the smell. He yelped as the wires cut him.

“What do I do?” he queried short-breathed, hoping the nano-computer would answer. “How do I get out of—these?”

The nano-computer said nothing. Its silence felt pointed.

“Come on,” he pleaded. “You have to answer.”

In response, the nano-computer played back his recent, rather cruel statements about it.

“The thing that talks in my head?” said his own voice. “It’s useless.”

These words played over and over, inside his skull.

“Do it now,” said his recorded self, impatient for Girl Zero (that fucking strung-out scientist) to extract the nano-computer. “I hate that thing.”

“I didn’t mean that!” he pleaded. “I just—just…”

“Hate that thing. Hate that. Hate. Hate. Hate.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he yelled, pained by the recording’s volume.

He threw himself against the wires with a beastly howl, driven mad by his torments. One of his arms broke free, then a leg. Artillery stung him as he staggered, roaring inanely, to his feet.

He kicked over one tank by accident, then another on purpose. Lizard folk scattered in all directions.

He halted by the tower’s base, dumbly furious.

“Hate, hate, hate,” blared his own voice.

“Just shut up! Shut up!” he bawled.

The building shuddered as he pounded it in frustration. Concrete chunks crashed down on his head.

A female voice broke in.

“Climb the building,” Girl Zero prompted.

“What? No!”

Hearing her made him furious.

“Listen to me…”

“Why should I listen to you? Why?”

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“I reset the nano-computer,” she said, cutting him off. “It won’t be angry now.”

“Are you going to reset me next? Make me forget you pushed me into this place—literally, physically pushed me?”

“I know I did. I had to.”

“Had to? Had to push me?”

He was incredulous.

“There was someone you needed not to meet. That would have been worse, believe me.”

“Worse? I’m being shot at. Ow! Ow!”

“Then climb the building. Get where the creature is.”

Having no ideas himself, he started climbing. Mortar crumbled under his fingers and booted toes, which at least gave him traction.

“They’re shooting at it up there,” he carped.

“I know.”

“After you cut its leg off.”

“I saved its life,” she protested.

“They’re trying to shoot it down.”

“Then get up there, to it.”

The building, though for tiny people, was still tall. He tried not to look down.

“I have a plan,” Girl Zero continued.

“Does it get us killed or just maimed?”

“You get out of here. Just trust me.”

“Are you fucking kidding?”

“Hate me if you want to. But trust me.”

He hove himself up uncertainly beside the creature. It seemed to have grown since he last saw it. Did it eat some of the lizard people, he wondered?

“Get ready, it’s opening.”

“Where? Where?”

An impossible hole in space opened and hung there before him. There was a dizzy drop between it and the building.

“Just step into it. creature will follow.”

The creature caught one of the planes, which crumpled like paper in its hand.

“I’m not sure.”

“Just do it!”

He stepped into mid-air, sick with vertigo.

Subway doors whooshed shut behind him. A deafening tri-tone sounded.

The creature collapsed on the floor, heavily, beside him.

The long car was full of empty seats, upholstered red. He sat down wearily in one of them and fell immediately to sleep.


(Next: The Mobius Subway)

(Previous: Dr. Cybrot)

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Chapter Seven: Dr. Cybrot

The boy who fell out of the void wouldn’t quit talking. He barraged her with frantic questions, not even pausing between.

Footfalls sounded just outside the room. Frustrated hands shook the door with pointed violence after finding it locked.

She was almost out of time.

With energy born of expedience, she grasped the creature by one of its myriad legs, while the rest of its limbs flexed in useless panic. With cutting forceps, she snapped the leg off with a hollow, wet pop.

In pain and terror, the creature fled on its remaining limbs. Zone Boy One (she had to remember to call him that) barked something in protest. She felt sickened and sorry. Her head throbbed from drugs and days of no sleep.

A fist smote the door’s thick wood.

“Let me in,” said a muffled voice. “You can’t…” Pound. Pound.

Silence for a moment. Then metal rasped on metal as different keys were tried.

In the same moment, a portal bloomed out of mid-air. It started as a marble-sized bolus of spacetime in absolute curvature.

She was down to seconds and everyone was in the wrong place.

She moved to intervene, but then remembered she had the creature’s severed leg in one hand and medical cutters in the other. The creature reared its jointed body defensively, where it cowered in a corner.

She retreated to the worktable, where she placed the leg in a stainless steel tray. She did this with apologetic care.

By then, the portal had inflated to an endlessly black sphere, like a giant dark pearl. It was bigger than the door, which was groaning open.

From certain angles the sphere presented a mirage like a tunnel stretching (or infinite tunnels) stretching forever. Perhaps the creature saw this, because it bolted for the portal, legs pistoning like train gears. Zone Boy stood there frozen as it bolted past, mouth stupidly agape.

His passiveness enraged her.

In a desperate fury, she shoved him at the portal, so roughly he lost balance. His body distended like a funhouse reflection as it sucked him inside.

“I’m sorry!” she cried as the black sphere swallowed him—and then itself right after.

“Sorry about what?” said someone beside her.

She just stood there, hands balled and shaking.

Dr. Cybrot shrugged, disdainfully unbothered. He raised his ridiculous, complicated goggles, to scratch his face underneath. His eyes glittered with mean amusement. He seemed content, for the moment, with her discomfort.

She broke off from him, going to a terminal.

Dr. Cybrot reached past her for a set of tongs on the table.

“I see you didn’t want me meeting him,” he said. “But I don’t know what you thought I’d do.”

He sauntered over to where bullets were lodged in the wall. His goggles whirred with faint mechanical sounds as lenses in them refocused. He extracted one bullet, then the other. They dinged as he dropped them in a metal dish on the worktable.

“Is that enough flagrantium?” she said, not looking up from the terminal screen.

“We’ll see,” he said. “These are the first samples of Flagrantia’s alloys. You got your own specimen, I expect?”

She held up the tray with the amputated member.

“That’s all?” he complained.
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She set it down with a hostile clang.

“You should have harvested the whole creature. You’d have a complete specimen.”

“I know you feel that way,” she said in a constrained voice.

“You could have caught it while it’s juvenile and weak. But you threw it back.”

“It ran off,” she muttered.

“Same thing,” he said. “You lost it.”

“We don’t need the entire creature,” she argued, doggedly. “It’s entirely composed of stem cells…”

“So you think.”

“…or analogous units. Any size sample should express its whole biology.”

Should—should,” he echoed facetiously. “If your hypothesis is right. You haven’t proven any of it.”

She snatched the tray defensively and walked it to a station where gimbaled instruments loomed over a square table.

“I have the only sample of this species ever obtained,” she said, “which now I need to analyze.”

She positioned the leg on the grid-lined surface, like a colourless  chessboard.

“You could at least be happy about it,” he said.

A smile accordioned across his face.

She didn’t like him much better when he smiled. It actually made him worse.

“We seized an opportunity,” he continued. “And we succeeded. Enjoy it.”

She positioned a wide magnifier over the specimen. She gazed at it forlornly.

“Don’t let it get to you,” he cajoled, in an oily effort to reassure. “Small cruelties come with the work. We learn to adapt.”

He gestured where the portal once was.

“Even that—boy has to. Who knows? He might even make it.” The grin widened. “But he doesn’t seem that bright, does he?”

She faced him, glowering, for two defiant heartbeats, before returning to her specimen.

She reached for more instruments, ignoring him sullenly. A tense eternity later, he left.

As the shutting door’s echo died down, she slunk over to her terminal. There she cycled through close and far views of locations ranging from maddening to mundane. She finally settled on one captioned, “ZB-1”.

An alien city’s skyline loomed over him. He lay strapped to the ground with many, many slim, dark cables, that same idiot look on his face.

(Next: I, Kaiju)

(Previous: Girl Zero)

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Chapter Five: Bullets Between Worlds

Bullets Between Worlds

Two kill-bullets came for him with unnatural slowness, like they were passing through gelatin. He could have saved himself by casually stepping aside, if his body wasn’t also anomalously slow.

His near-paralysis frightened him more than the bullets. Their Damoclean threat sparked less terror than his nightmarish loss of control. The futility felt worse than fear.

The bullets arced like miniature missiles, trailing plumes of fire. He tracked their sluggish spirals with morbid awareness. The Flagrantians, on the aperture’s other side, looked small and defocused, frozen in shooting postures. They couldn’t pass through the aperture’s shrinking circle, but their bullets had. Their gleaming rounds stood out with devastating clarity.

His throat muscles contracted, making screams that were unable to start.

A calm contralto broke in, from someplace in the labyrinth of his own ears.

“One moment,” said the nano-computer (mercifully, at its usual conversational speed).

A multitude of moments passed.

Bullets nosed toward him while the aperture shrank further. The shooters were dark and distant, at the end of a long tunnel.

“One moment,” it repeated, its tone inhumanly placid.

A tense eternity passed. The aperture sealed completely. He was now fully immersed in nothing and nowhere: non-space between worlds, both claustrophobic and infinite.

He felt bounded by a presence: immense, malevolent and uncaring. He wondered if that was the Worm.

“Stand by, please. Connecting.”

Next, a female voice—inside his skull’s architecture like the nano-computer, but hectically human.

She seemed partway through an argument.

“This was reckless from the start.  I don’t care what I said. Wait, it says I’m connected. Hello? If you can hear me, we know what’s happening and we’re doing what we can. The bullets have been temporally arrested, which means—no, never mind. You’re caught up in the time effects, which you aren’t supposed to be.” Her voice was edged with blame. “If the kill-bullets hit they’ll still rip you apart. You have to dodge them.”

He listened, flabbergasted. How was he supposed to do anything?

“Do what I say. First, stop cringing from the bullets. It’s wasted movement. Now lean into one shoulder. What? Fine. So shut up and let me tell him. Your right shoulder—lean into that, and back. Let your body follow. Relax into it. Relax!”
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She sounded two heartbeats from hysterics.

His body worked with grating slowness as he fought to comply. The bullets seemed to speed up.

“Is he doing it? Is he—okay, good. Now twist. Hurry! No, I guess you can’t. Well, do your best. We’re losing the time-lock.”

He felt ashamed of his slowness. Her words felt judgmental and he was frustrated he couldn’t retort. Mostly he was furious he was about to die.

“Good. Yes, that way. Concentrate. Keep calm. Calm!”

He wished she’d stop talking. But when she went quiet, he felt panicked.

The bullets were so close he could swat them away, if his limbs weren’t so leaden. He thought of metal boring through his body.

He felt critically off-balance. If things sped up, he’d topple.

From this untenable vantage, he saw two bullets overfly his torso.

They cruised past his eyes. He examined their silvery sleekness and pin-sharp points, unable to not see them.

His hair parted in their wake, as they missed him once and for all.

Their deadly flight continued. A patch of nothingness dimpled, then irised open just ahead. They flew straight at it, like a bullseye they were destined for.

The aperture’s circle framed a woman’s face. She seemed lost in calculations, frowning with concern.

She snapped to alertness when she saw the bullets.

(Next: Girl Zero)

(Previous: Fire Folk of Flagrantia)

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